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XBM Cyber Essentials Certified

Epson Awards XBM Best Reseller & Best Service Reller 2022

XBM Cyber Essentials Certified

XBM Cyber Essentials Certified


Part of XBM Limited’s growth strategy is to register on a number of the frameworks used by public sector and other organisations to find reputable suppliers, and Cyber Essentials Certification is another step towards this goal.


With ISO9001 achieved and ISO14001 certification in its final stages, the business is ticking off the final requirements needed to assure current and future customers of XBM’s business administration, quality assurance, and security credentials.


With over 80% of UK businesses vulnerable to avoidable security threats, the Cyber Essentials framework has been designed as a strong security baseline for every business in every industry.


Cyber Essentials is an effective, Government backed scheme that helps protect businesses and organisations, whatever their size, against a whole range of the most common cyber attacks.


Cyber attacks come in many shapes and sizes, but the vast majority are very basic in nature, carried out by relatively unskilled individuals. They’re the digital equivalent of a thief trying your front door to see if it’s unlocked.


Cyber Essentials certification has mapped XBM successfully against five technical security controls:

  • Access control
  • Firewalls and routers
  • Malware protection
  • Secure configuration
  • Software updates


XBM’s Managing Director, Richard Taylor, commented that, “XBM’s rapid growth is a tribute to our excellent staff and all the hard work they have put in to make our business one of the leading sustainable technology suppliers in the UK.


“Achieving Cyber Essentials certification demonstrates our commitment to ensuring we provide not only the highest standard of products and services, but that customers can rest assured we value their cyber security equally highly.


“Every aspect of our business, from copiers, printers, and digital displays, to document management and digital transformation, now requires a network of connections to the outside world and we can now demonstrate our readiness to help customers navigate everything that means for their organisations.”


[Imaget: Cyber Essentials Logo]

Title: XBM Cyber Essentials Certified

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